Work-Life Balance for Women
Has life for you been all about work and no play? For some of us, it was never a choice. We have always been hardworking, strong and disciplined. But what if there is more to life than your career identity?

Escapism through work-Workaholism
Are you a highly competitive woman?
Do you ever question if you are working too hard? We understand that it feels great to achieve, compete and be productive. But how do you find your balance? How do you measure it?
We know there are no easy answers or one-size-fits-all solutions. You have to find what works for you, your life, your personality and your needs. You have to create your own balance, so you can enjoy your work life and also have time and energy for your relationships, your loved ones, and your hobbies. Listen to that little voice inside and let us help you take a compassionate look inside and create the balance you deserve.
Disconnection in your relationships
Being a highly competitive woman can be rewarding, but also challenging. You may feel like you have to do it all, and do it well, without much support or appreciation. Finding the support you are looking for and need in your relationships, including those with family and friends, has been disappointing and very frustrating. It also might be true that it’s been really difficult to make space for family time and stay close and be there for your children.
If that’s the case, count on me to guide and accompany you to find the vital balance you are looking for.
Are you ready to create your own balance and enjoy your life more? Contact me today and let’s get started.